College of Business & Technology

WIU's Master of Business Administration (MBA)


MBA student working on a computer

The MBA can be completed entirely online. There are no face-to-face requirements.

MBA student by Macombs Hanson Field

The MBA is no longer being offered as a campus-based program--web updates in progress

MBA students

The MBA is no longer being offered as a campus-based program with livestream courses--web updates in progress

MBA Program Highlights

The College of Business and Technology offers graduate work leading to the Master of Business Administration (MBA). MBA courses are offered by the School of Accounting and Business Administration and the School of Computer Sciences. The WIU MBA is open to business graduates and those in liberal arts, engineering, mathematics, science, and other fields. The MBA is 33 hours of graduate coursework; however, individual degree program requirement are based on previously completed coursework and may range between 33 and 54 semester hours for those without a strong business background.

Benefits of our Fully Online MBA Program

  • AACSB accredited signifying highly qualified faculty and significant engagement with industry partners
  • Flexible schedules that fit into busy lifestyles.
  • Affordable tuition rates that can put an MBA degree within reach.
  • Internship opportunities
  • Faculty with doctoral and law degrees from more than 40 internationally recognized universities.
  • Accessible faculty who pride themselves on student mentoring.

Course Formats

The MBA curriculum is fully online with all core courses scheduled in 8 week sessions providing a convenient and flexible schedule for working professionals.


Western’s MBA has earned accreditation in both business and accounting by the AACSB International, designating Western Illinois University as among the best business schools in the world. Less than one-third of U.S. business schools and only 15% of business schools worldwide meet the rigorous standards of AACSB International accreditation. As a member institution, Western’s MBA has confirmed a commitment to quality and continuous improvement through a rigorous and comprehensive peer review process. AACSB International accreditation ensures that Western’s MBA degree program is committed to providing the highest-caliber education and experiences for our student professionals. Additional information is available at

Degree Requirements

The MBA program at Western Illinois University is available to students with both business and nonbusiness backgrounds. Depending upon academic performance, students with business degrees from AACSB International accredited schools may progress directly into the MBA courses. Students without business degrees or with degrees from non-AACSB International accredited schools may be required to take one or more background courses to assure adequate preparation for advanced study.

MBA Courses - 33 semester hours
  1. Core Courses: 18 s.h.
    • ACCT 547 Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis (3)
    • DS 533 Applied Business Forecasting and Planning (3)
    • ECON 538 Economics for Managers (3)
    • FIN 565 Financial Management: Theory and Practice (3)
    • IS 524 Corporate Information Systems (3)
    • MKTG 576 Decision Making for Global Markets (3)
    • BAT 611 MBA Outcomes (0)
  2. Directed Elective: 3 s.h.
  3. Concentration Courses (department determination) 9 s.h. Learn more about the concentration options.
  4. Integrative Course: MGT 590 Strategic Management 3 s.h.
Required Background courses (or equivalent)
  • ACCT 307 Accounting for Managers and Management Decisions -or- ACCT 201 Principles of Financial Accounting -and- ACCT 202 Principles of Managerial Accounting
  • ECON 408G Economicsfor Decision Makers -or- ECON 231 Principles of Macroeconomics -and- ECON 232 Principles of Microeconomics
  • FIN 331 Financial Management I
  • IS 340 Introduction to Information Systems
  • MGT 349 Principles of Management
  • MKTG 327 Marketing Principles
  • STAT 171 General Elementary Statistics

Specific background courses may be waived on the basis of a student’s prior completion of equivalent course content or relevant experience. Generally, courses must have been completed with a grade of C or better and with an average GPA in the background courses of 2.75, from a recognized college or university. Professional experience which demonstrates currency in these areas will be fully considered. It is assumed that entering students will possess necessary mathematical, communication, and computer skills.

View the graduate catalog for course descriptions.

Admission Process

MBA Admission Requirements

Applicants for admission must meet the minimum requirements of the School of Graduate Studies for degree-seeking students. The Director of the MBA program and the MBA Advisory Committee will review applications and approve candidates for admission based on undergraduate GPA, GMAT score (GRE and GMAT Focus Edition scores are accepted. Scores are scaled and converted to an equivalent GMAT score for admissions consideration), and other evidence of preparedness. Qualified applicants may request a GMAT Waiver through the formalized process outlined below. The GMAT waiver is typically reserved for industry professionals that have gained considerable and substantive experience upon completion of an undergraduate degree that provides a demonstrated foundation for success in graduate coursework, or those who have completed advanced education and/or earned substantive professional certifications. Additional consideration for admission may be made in cases with an undergraduate GPA below the 3.0/4.0 required threshold, particularly for those with professional experience that provides evidence of potential success in the program. For GPA considerations, please reach out to the MBA Director by e-mailing

Automatic Admission

Applicants who meet the following criteria will be automatically admitted and can follow the application process below.

  • Cumulative GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 and a GMAT score of at least 500.
  • Cumulative GPA of at least 3.6/4.0 in an AACSB accredited bachelor’s degree in a business discipline (no GMAT required).
  • Cumulative GPA of at least 3.75 in a bachelor’s degree from the WIU College of Business and Technology and a minor in either business or Pre-MBA.
Application Process
  1. Apply online
  2. Request official transcripts to be sent to the School of Graduate Studies.
  3. Send GMAT/GRE score to the graduate school or request a GMAT waiver below
  4. Watch your email for updates and notifications from the School of Graduate Studies.
  5. Receive an official notification letter from the School of Graduate Studies.
GMAT Requirement/Waiver

The purpose of the GMAT requirement is to assess the readiness of the applicant for the level of rigor in the MBA program, particularly in quantitative areas. While the GMAT is the preferred standard, GRE scores of at least 150 in both the quantitative and verbal sections will be accepted in lieu of GMAT scores. Exceptions to the GMAT/GRE requirement will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Qualified applicants may petition the MBA Director for a waiver. Please note the GMAT waiver is reserved for industry professionals that have gained considerable and substantive experience upon completion of an undergraduate degree that provides a demonstrated foundation for success in graduate coursework.

Visit the official website of the GMAT exam for details.

Applicants wishing consideration of a GMAT waiver should proceed as follows:

  1. Apply online
  2. Request official transcripts to be sent to the School of Graduate Studies.
  3. Fill out the GMAT Waiver Request form and attach the following:
    • a current resume providing evidence of a graduate degree in a relevant field or at least five years of relevant professional experience with increasing responsibility. Evidence of strong verbal, quantitative, and analytical skills as substantiated by graduate transcripts, professional experience and certifications, and/or other qualifications.

Degree Planning

Follow the steps below to begin planning your degree.

  1. Download the MBA Degree Plan (pdf) to track your progress through the program.
  2. Learn about the concentration courses.
  3. Schedule an appointment with your advisor before registering for classes.

Course Schedules

The table below includes MBA core courses and popular concentration/elective courses. It is not a guarantee of course availability in any specific location at a specific time. All students should consult with their MBA advisor prior to registration. Please visit the Student/Alumni Records System (STARS) for up-to-date schedules.





ACCT 547

Online 2nd 8 weeks

Online 2nd 8 weeks

*Rotation of Core Courses are Offered Each Summer Online



*DS 533

Online 2nd 8 weeks

Online 2nd 8 weeks

Rotation of Core Courses are Offered Each Summer Online



ECON 538


Online 1st 8 weeks

Rotation of Core Courses are Offered Each Summer Online

Online 1st 8 weeks


FIN 565


Online 2nd 8 weeks

Rotation of Core Courses are Offered Each Summer Online

Online 2nd 8 weeks


IS 524

Online 1st weeks

Online 1st 8 weeks

Rotation of Core Courses are Offered Each Summer Online



MKTG 576


Online 1st 8 weeks

*Rotation of Core Courses are Offered Each Summer Online

Online 1st 8 weeks


MGT 590

Online 1st 8 weeks


Rotation of Core Courses are Offered Each Summer Online

Online 1st 8 weeks


BAT 611

Online 2nd 8 weeks

Online 2nd 8 weeks

Rotation of Core Courses are Offered Each Summer Online


* Students entering the MBA program prior to FALL 2024 may take an alternative course, MGT 540, to satisfy core requirements.

* Only the summer courses indicated with an asterisk (*) will be offered in Summer 2025.

Helpful Hints

  • Download the MBA Degree Plan (pdf) to track your progress through the program.
  • It is highly recommended that students schedule an advising appointment before registering for classes.


The MBA advisors are here to assist you throughout your pursuit of an MBA, so please contact us with any questions or concerns.


We are happy to answer general questions by email, but appointments are highly recommended upon acceptance into the MBA program and regarding class registration.

Macomb and Online Students
  • MBA Program Director and Advisor: Bruce Western
  • Location: 1 University Circle, Stipes Hall 101, Macomb, IL 61455
    Phone: (309) 298-2442

Helpful Hints

  • To ensure you are able to get the courses you need, call for an advising appointment during:
    • March for Summer and Fall registration
    • October for Spring registration
  • Newly accepted students are encouraged to contact their advisor to introduce themselves prior to making an appointment.
  • You may sign on to STARS to find out your earliest date and time to register. STARS will also display any encumbrances or holds you may have along with the office to contact for clearance.

Registration: Student/Alumni Records System (STARS)

The STARS provides students, alumni, and employees with online access to their university records.

Registration Dates
  • Summer and Fall course information is available on STARS in early March and advance registration begins in April.
  • Spring course information is available on STARS in early October and advance registration begins in November.
  • Sign on to STARS to find out your earliest date and time to register. STARS will also display any encumbrances or holds you may have along with the office to contact for clearance.
Locate Course Information

STARS Quick Look Course Search is available to prospective students as well as current students.

  1. Follow the link to STARS .
  2. Choose Quick Look (a new browser window will open).
  3. Choose Course Search.
  4. Select the desired term, department, course level and add any other parameters applicable and click the search button.
  5. For details regarding each course, click the small purple box to the left of the Course STAR Number.
STARS Access and Sign On
  1. Follow the link to STARS .
  2. Choose Launch STARS (a new browser window will open).
  3. Review the Access Agreement and choose OK.
  4. Use your WIU ID Number and Password to Sign On to STARS.

Once STARS is launched follow these steps:

  1. In the top left navigation, hovor over STARS and choose Registration - Add/Drop Courses
  2. This is your registration screen where you will add or drop courses.
  3. Choose Course Search.
  4. Select the desired term, department, course level and any other parameters applicable and click the search button.
  5. Click the Add Button located at the right side of each course to register.
  6. You will automatically return to your registration screen where you can repeat the process. This is also where you would drop a class if necessary.
  7. To sign off, navigate to the top right and click the drop-down arrown next to Welcome, Your Name and choose Sign Off.

Helpful Hints

  • Sign on to STARS to be sure there are no issues with access.
  • Prior to registration, access the course search on STARS to research course availability.
  • Summer and Fall course information is available on STARS in early March and advance registration begins in April.
  • Check your WIU email frequently for registration dates as well as other communications regarding the MBA Program.


A degree plan and graduation application are required prior to graduation.

Degree Plan
  1. Download the MBA Degree Plan (pdf)
  2. Fill out the degree plan as you progress through the program courses.
  3. In your final semsester, your advisor will complete a formal degree plan
  4. Review your degree plan, sign and forward to the School of Graduate Studies.
Graduation Application

Submission of a graduation application is the responsibility of the student.

Deadline-Spring Graduation: March 10th

Deadline-Fall Graduation: October 10th

  1. Follow the steps on the finishing up section of the graduate studies page to complete your graduation application
  2. Complete all the information carefully.
    • Print or type your name using upper and lowercase letters EXACTLY as you wish it to appear on your diploma.
Commencement Ceremonies

Visit for all the information regarding commencement ceremonies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the length of the program 1 or 2 years?

The length of the MBA program is 33 semester hours. There are required background courses which could increase the hours a student may need to complete. You can learn more about the degree requirements through the Online Graduate Catalog. Additionally, an individual’s course load per semester varies based on their study habits, learning abilities, time management skills, other commitments, and course work requirements. It is possible to complete the Online program in one year, but most working professionals take two years.

What is the cost of the tuition, books, fees for this?

You will find that as an AACSB accredited institution, our MBA program is among the most affordable, providing great value at our price point. Tuition varies depending on status (domestic vs. international; Macomb vs. Online). Here is our schedule of the current tuition/fees schedule and a cost estimator to assist you in determining the total program cost based on current conditions.

How often is class typically per week? Time of day? Length of class? 

Class meetings, time of day, and length of class are dependent upon each class. For details of each class, you can visit the STARS system.

Online core courses are scheduled in 8 week modules. Many of the concentration courses are also in 8 week modules; however, some remain as full semester, 16 week online courses. See the course schedule on STARS for days and times.

How do you accommodate students who are working full-time?

The fully online program is designed with working professionals in mind. Courses are scheduled in 8 weeks sessions allowing students to enroll in a 1st 8 weeks course (focusing on one singluar course and completing it within the first half of the full semester) and a 2nd 8 weeks course (focusing on a single course for the remainder of the semester). A single 8 week summer session is also offered and available to students. The MBA director can assist you will a plan that fits your individual needs.

Online class format

There are no face-to-face requirements for any of the online MBA courses. WIU’s course delivery system is Western Online which uses the course management software system, Desire2Learn (D2L).

Admission Questions

The catalog says that a GMAT score of 500 and undergraduate overall GPA of 3.0 qualifies for automatic admission. Can I still be admitted if one or both of those is lower?

Yes, it is possible. What we mean by “automatic” admission is that if you exceed both of these criteria that you do not need to provide any other documentation of work experience, certifications, or qualifications. If one of these is slightly lower and the other higher, that may work too. For example, if you fall just a little short on the GMAT but have a GPA that is well above a 3.0, we will take that into consideration.

The importance we place on GPA is somewhat less for those applicants who have been in the workforce for a number of years since completing their undergraduate degree. A GPA from 10 or 20 years ago may not be the best indicator of success in the program. In those cases, we would want to know what you have been doing lately. Do you have any professional certifications or significant work experience that is relevant to MBA studies?

Applicants not meeting the criteria for automatic admission should proceed as follows:

  1. Apply online
  2. Request official transcripts to be sent to the School of Graduate Studies.
  3. Fill out the request form and attached the following:
    • a current resume
    • an essay detailing the petitioner’s educational goals, work experience, and any extenuating circumstances affecting any deficiencies in past academic performance
Do you accept the GRE instead of the GMAT?

Yes! As a general rule, we would look for a 150 on both the verbal and quantitative sections of the GRE coupled with at least a 3.0 GPA for automatic admission. If your scores are slightly lower, see the previous question as the same provisions apply.

Can the GMAT/GRE requirement be waived?

Yes, under certain circumstances. Exceptions to the GMAT/GRE requirement will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicants wishing to request a GMAT waiver should proceed as follows:

  1. Apply online
  2. Request official transcripts to be sent to the School of Graduate Studies.
  3. Fill out the request form and attached the following:
    • a current resume
    • evidence of a *graduate degree in a relevant field or at least five years of relevant **professional experience with increasing responsibility
    • strong verbal, quantitative, and analytical skills as substantiated by graduate transcripts, ***professional certifications , or other qualifications.

* Examples of graduate degrees in a related field include, but are not limited to: economics, accountancy, finance, organizational leadership, and law (J.D.). Persons with these degrees qualify automatically for a GMAT/GRE waiver. Certain other graduate degrees, while not being closely related to business, may qualify if supplemented by other qualifications. Contact the MBA director to discuss your individual situation.

** To be considered on the basis of professional experience , you must have at least 5 years of professional experience (in a position generally requiring a bachelor’s degree) with increasing responsibility. The idea is that the experience you claim should represent evidence of your verbal, quantitative, and analytical skills necessary for success in the program. Please submit a resume highlighting your specific skills. Simply having 5 years of experience is not by itself sufficient to waive the GMAT/GRE. The MBA committee will review your entire portfolio (transcripts, certifications, etc.) in their consideration of the waiver. Only applications that are complete (except for GMAT/GRE scores) will be reviewed.

*** Examples of professional certifications that would automatically qualify to waive the GMAT/GRE include, but are not limited to: CPA, CFA, and Series 7 licenses. Additionally, passing scores actuarial exams and other exams given in the insurance industry may also satisfy the requirement. Contact the MBA director to discuss your individual situation.

Integrated BB/MBA Students

Undergraduate students accepted into the integrated BB/MBA program will automatically have a status change to MBA student upon completion of their bachelor’s degree.

International Student Questions

Visit International Admissions for details.

Please note: The TOEFL and IELTS requirements are higher for the MBA program than for the university. The TOEFL requirement is 550 (paper) or 79 (internet based) and must be less than two years old at the time of matriculation. The IELTS requirement is 6.5 overall and 6.5 speaking subscore.

Contacts & Resources

MBA Advisor
  • MBA Program Director and Advisor: Bruce Western
  • Location: 1 University Circle, Stipes Hall 101, Macomb, IL 61455
    Phone (309) 298-2442
View the graduate catalog for MBA details and course descriptions.

Download the MBA Program Brochure (pdf)

Apply for admission


Phone: (309) 298-3157

Billing and Receivables

Phone: (309) 298-1831

Center for Global Studies

Phone: (309) 298-2426

College of Business and Technology

Phone: (309) 298-2442

Financial Aid

Phone: (309) 298-2446


Phone: (309) 298-1891

Scholarship Office

Phone: (309) 298-2001

School of Graduate Studies

Phone: (309) 298-1806