Decker Press Bibliography
A Bibliography of Decker Press Publications
![Scan of a page that was printed by the James A. Decker Press.](/libraries/archives/ilPoems.jpg)
The University Library's Special Collections Unit is in the process of compiling a complete list of the publications of the Decker Press and its various imprints. The unit would like to make this list as accurate as possible. Any additions or corrections are welcome and anyone having copies of Decker Press publications not currently held by the University, that they would like to offer the collection, should contact our office at:
- 309/298-2717
The following Decker Press Publications are known to the University Library's Special Collections Unit. The Unit seeks to add the titles indicated with an asterisk (*) to its collection.
- Ackley, Wallace Worth. Tales of the Sea and Other Poems. 1949.
- Adcock, Clark Lee. Illinois, the Cradle of Men. 1949.
- Akerly, Fredrika G. Rhymes for Curly Heads. 1949
- Alexander, Sidney. The Man on the Queue. 1941.
- Alexander, Sidney. Tightrope in the Dark. 1949.
- Allen, Marsha. Scarlet Threnody. 1947.
- Allen, Marsha. Strange Journey. 1949.
- Anderson, Oma Carlyle. Bright is the Tempo. 1949.
- Anthony, George. Toys in Blood. 1948
- Arnold, Elizabeth. From the Heart: Poems. 1943.
- Asper, James. West After War. 1948.
- Atkinson, Geoffroy. After Noon. 1950.
- Aultman, U Stanley. Echoes of Omar. 1948.
- Auxier, Sylvia Trent. Meadow Rue. 1948.
- Baker, Glen. The Hawk. 1947.
- Ball, Alice. In Old Carmelo. 1947.
- Bangs, Janet (Norris). Cornstalk Fiddle. 1947.
- Barr, Isabel Harriss. The Ship of Glass. 1946.
- Barton, Mary Courtney. Another April. 1946.
- Baum, Bernard. For Steel Harrowed Flesh. 1950.
- Beakley, Clyde. Mild and Bitter. 1949.
- Beamish, Rae, Ed. American Signatures. 1940. (Imprint: Black Faun Press)
- * Beaudoin, Kenneth Lawrence. City Suite. 1940. (Imprint: Black Faun Press)
- Benedict, Madeline. Fleet as a Swallow's Dip. 1944.
- Beyz, Alexis, pseud. See Mattson, William.
- * Bittner, Nelson Del. Paper Faces. 1940.
- Boggs, Tom, Ed. An American Anthology: 67 Poems Now in Anthology Form For The First Time. 1942.
- Boggs, Tom, Ed. Lyric Moderns in Brief: Some Modern Poets. 1940.
- Boggs, Tom, Ed. New Poets: an Anthology of Seven Young Contemporary Poets -- Tom Boggs, John Ciardi, Robert Clairmont, M. Gellert, Lucy Kent, E. L. Mayo, Marshall Schacht. 1941.
- Boughton, Willis Arnold. Many Candles. 1950
- * Breit, Harvey. Record of an Unfinished Journey. 1940.
- Brennan, Joseph Payne. Heart of Earth. 1948.
- Broussard, Vivian L. Song of the Shell. 1948.
- Brown, Anne Van Ness. Open Windows. 1947.
- Brown, Harry Matthew. Sea-rock and Coral. 1950.
- Brosanus, Matthew, pseud. See Brown, Harry Matthew
- Bruce, B.L. Beckoning Trails. 1948.
- Bruncken, Herbert. Noise in Time. 1949.
- Buchanan, Bessie G. For Every Yesterday. 1949.
- Buchanan, Bessie G. Silver Strand. 1949.
- Bulosan, Carlos. Letter from America. 1942.
- Burch, Lois. Twilight and Evening Shadow. 1948.
- Burgess, Don L. Ashes of San Fransisco. 1948.
- Burwel, Basil. Slave Cargo. 1948.
- Buzard, Clifford. Telos: a Trilogy. 1949.
- Cabell, James Branch. GOUDY. [an acrostic for the thirty-fifth anniversary of Village Press] Village Press, 1938. [broadside]
- Cary, Robert. Circus Day at Old Acres, and Other Poems. 1949.
- Chandler, Josephine Craven. These: a Book of Casual Verse. 1938. (1st book by PJAD)
- Charmley, Beulah Jackson. Out of This Clay: Five Prize Plays. 1949.
- Christian, E. Helge. And Yet the Twain. 1949. (full-length novel
- Christopher, Thomas W. Poems from a Carolina Farm. 1948.
- Clarke, John Henrik. Rebellion in Rhyme. 1948.
- Clough, Wilson. We, Borne Along. 1949.
- Coleman, Anita Scott. Reason for Singing. 1948.
- Coleman, Lucile. Strange Altar: Poems. 1947.
- Coleman, Roy K. Aftermoods. 1948.
- Comfort, Florence. Time Turns Under. 1945.
- Compass. (A quarterly journal of poetry that was published between 1939 and 1949. The subtitle and editors changed often.)
- Cook, Pauline (trans). See Juana Inez de la Cruz, Sister.
- Cooper, Dorothy. Bedrock. 1943.
- Cooper, Raymond. Octoroon. 1947.
- Crary, Ruth. Forty Shillings. 1945.
- Crawford, H. D. Poems - For You. 1948.
- Creekmore, Hubert. Personal Sun. 1940.
- Criswell, Cloyd Mann. Asiatic Station: Poems. 1946.
- D'Auria, Gemma Abkazoff. High Noon. 1949.
- Davis, Catherine W. Lanterns in the Dark. 1942. (Imprint: The Village Press.)
- Davis, Frank Marshall. 47th Street. 1948.
- Day, Bonnie. A Turn of Lighter. 1948.
- Deane, Frank. The Doctor of Magic. 1947.
- Decker, James A. New Poets 1948. 1948.
- Decker, James A. Upward. 1938.
- Del Bittner, Nelson. See Bittner, Nelson Del.
- * Del Veccio, Thomas. Bugle at My Lips. 1939.
- Denby, Edwin. In Public, in Private: Poetry. 1948.
- Derleth, August. The Edge of Night. 1945.
- Derleth, August. Rind of Earth. 1942.
- Derleth, August. Selected Poems. 1944.
- De Spain, Jay Roderic. Black Hibiscus. 1946.
- Dransfield, Jane. Marks Upon a Stone. 1940.
- Dresser, Florence. see Cary, Robert.
- Eldridge, Richard Burdick. Remembered Music, and Other Poems. 1947.
- Emans, Elaine V. Earth's Child. 1950.
- Esmond, Walter Chambers. Pathway to the Stars. 1948.
- Evans-Pritchard, Mrs. E. E. Bong and Wong. 1948.
- Everson, William. The Masculine Dead. 1942.
- Ewing, Donald Chester. Song From the High Hills. 1946.
- Ferrini, Vincent. The Plow in the Ruins. 1946.
- Fillmore, Grace Ethel. The Calm of Contentment. 1948.
- Firley, Henry J. Onward the Yankee Eagle. 1944.
- Ford, Charles Henri. A B C'S. 1940.
- * Ford, Charles Henri. Child Heroes, a String of Tongues. 1939.
- (With Tyler Parker in Compass, v. 2, no.1, Summer 1939.)
- Franck, Inez. Sunward. 1948.
- Frazee-Bower, Helen. Beauty for Ashes, Poems. 1939.
- Frazee-Bower, Helen. Inner Pilgrim. See Keith, Joseph Joel.
- Friend, Robert. Shadow on the Sun. 1941.
- From Thorn to Fruit: an Anthology of Verse. 1946.
- Frye, Burton C. Castalia. 1948.
- Frye, Burton C. The Good Surprise, Poems. 1950.
- Gassman, McDill McCowan. Fragments. 1948.
- Glass, Brenda. A Bird's Cry. 1948.
- Gradick, Laura Emerson. Burning Bush. 1948.
- Graham, Clem. American Dreams and Nightmares. 1949.
- Graham, Martha K(ing). Listen Forever, Poems. 1940.
- Graham, Martha K. Words for the Music, Poems. 1942.
- Graham, Martha K. Prairie City Poems. 1940. see Kinney, Lawrence
- Grobmann, Edith. Time Suspended. 1949.
- * Hale, Arlene. Nightfall. 1948.
- Hall, Amanda Benjamin. Unweave a Rainbow. 1942.
- Hamilton, Florence. Mirrors and Human Voices. 1942.
- Hausmann, Joy, tr. See Jammes, Francis.
- Higgins, Robert V. Sub-Rosa: Low Brow Lyrics. 1942.
- Horn, Edward N(ewman). Poems for Small Apartments. 1946.
- Huff, William Henry. Sowing and Reaping. 1949.
- Ignatow, David. Poems. 1948.
- Jammes, Francis. Homer Had a Dog. 1946.
- * Jaramillo, Cleofas M. The Genuine New Mexico Spanish Recipes. 1949.
- Johnson, Martha Sherwood. Peddler's Pack. 1949.
- Jonas, Sylva Reiss. Scarlette's Vegabond Songs. 1945.
- Jones, Claude E. Wild Water. 1948.
- Jones, Decatur. The Impure Hand. 1948.
- Juana Inez de la Cruz, Sister. The Pathless Grove. 1950.
- Justice, William M. Acorns of Gold. 1949.
- Kauffman, George. Craw of Memory. 1948.
- Kayko, Ingeborg. The Island and Other Poems. 1948.
- * Kayton, George Richard. Swing it High, Sweet Saxophones. 1944.
- Keith, Joseph Joel. Durable Fire. 1949.
- Keith, Joseph Joel, with Helen Frazee-Bower. Inner Pilgrim. 1939.
- Kennedy, Dorothea. Patchwork Dreams. 1948.
- * Kent, Lucy. World of Glass. 1950.
- Kerly, Grace A. see Akerly, Fredrika G.
- Kinney, Lawrence. Prairie City Poems. 1940.
- Koch, Thomas. I'll Remember Indiana. 1948.
- Kolas, George. A Strange Mixture. 1948.
- * Larsson, E. Ellsworth. Concerto: The Sundered Cities. 1941.
- Lay, Norma. Interval to the Sun. 1949.
- Leach, Colonel. Poems. 1948.
- Lechlitner, Ruth. Only the Years: Selected Poems 1938-1944. 1944.
- Liebhardt, Louise. The Years Move On. 1949.
- Levinson, Alfred. Cauldron. 1948.
- Lon Coske, Eunice M. See McCloskey, Eunice M. Lon Coske.
- Lovelace, Richard. In Media Res. 1947.
- Lowes, Kathryn Howard. The Lark's on the Wing. 1948.
- Lownsbury, Jeanette. Tenacity in Winter. 1948.
- Lunt, Carroll. Breaks in the Clouds. 1948.
- MacIntyre, Carlyle Ferren. The Black Bull. 1942.
- Macleod, Norman. Calendar: an Anthology of 1940 Poetry. 1940.
- Macleod, Norman. Calendar: an Anthology of 1941 Poetry. 1941.
- * Macleod, Norman. Calendar: an Anthology of 1942 Poetry. 1942.
- * Macleod, Norman. Illegal Work. 1940.
- Macleod, Norman. We Thank You All the Time. 1941.
- Madden, Charles F. Bent Blue. 1950.
- Maddy, Homer Basil. Roadside Gleanings. 1941. (Imprint: "Village Press")
- McCarthy, John Russell. At 10 P.M. the News, a Narrative Poem. 1942.
- McCarthy, John Russell. California Ballads. 1950.
- McCarthy, John Russell. Enrico Considers. 1943.
- McCarthy, John Russell. Five Times the World. 1939.
- McClosky, Eunice M. Lon Coske. This is the Hour. 1947.
- * McConaughy, Edward. Fire of Life. 1940. (Imprint: Crusader Press)
- Malgren, Ruth B. Northern Lights. 1948.
- Mallarmé¬ Sté°¨ane. Herodias. 1940.
- Martin, James J. Patches of Passion. 1947.
- Masters, Edgar Lee. Along the Illinois. 1942.
- Masters, Edgar Lee. Illinois Poems. 1941.
- * Mattson, William N. The Feast. 1948.
- Maxwell, Gilbert. The Dark Rain Falling. 1942.
- Mills, Clark. The Circus. 1943.
- Mills, Clark, tr. See Mallarmé¬ Sté°¨ane. Herodias. 1940.
- Mills, Clark. The Migrants, a Poem. 1941.
- Mills, Clark. A Suite for France. 1941.
- Minasian, Khatchik. A World of Questions and Things. 1950.
- Moore, Ada J. Bindweed. 1949.
- Muller, Olga Erbsloh. As They Who Prevail. 1949.
- Nance, Jim. A Dogface's Life. 1948.
- Neville, Helen. The Exile's Anthology. 1940. (Imprint: Exiles' Press in collaboration with Press of James A. Decker.)
- Nichols, Frederick Sammons. The House of Sprat. 1948.
- Niedecker, Lorine. New Goose. 1946.
- * Norman, Charles. Ring Out, Ring In. 1942.
- Norman, Charles. The Savage Century. 1942.
- Norris, Luther. The Saga of Alaska. 1946. (See Wiedemann, Thomas, Sr.)
- Norris, Luther 'Doc'. Sourdough Tales. 1947.
- Nutt, Howard. Special Laughter. 1940.
- O'Connor, Flannery. See Swallow, Alan. New Signatures 1.
- Olson, Eric Georg. The Troubador and Other Sonnets. 1949.
- Olson, Lawrence Alexander. The Cranes on Dying River. 1947.
- * Ormin, Michael. Panorama. 1947.
- Owens, Martin F. A Voice Rang Out. 1948.
- Paquette, Donald J. Detour to Destiny. 1940.
- Paquette, Donald J. To a Friend Departed. 1939.
- Patchen, Kenneth. To Say if You Love Someone. 1947.
- Patrick, Luther. Friends, Neighbors, Kinfolks. 1946.
- Pauley, Lulu. Gateside Lyrics. 1948.
- Pillin, William. Poems. 1939.
- Pollard, Edwina Obenauer. The Winged Echo. 1949.
- Raymond, David Oliver. From the Sixth Hour. 1948.
- Rexroth, Kenneth. The Art of Worldly Wisdom. 1949.
- Rhoades, John H. Jonathan's Quatrains. 1942.
- Roditi, Edouard. Prison Within Prison. 1941.
- Roskolenko, Harry. I Went Into the Country. 1941.
- Salinger, Herman. Angel of Our Thirst Poems. 1950.
- Salt, Sydney. New Journey. 1942. (Imprint: Black Faun Press)
- Saul, George Brandon. The Elusive Stallion and Related Concerns. 1948.
- Saul, George Brandon. Selected Lyrics. 1947.
- Schmitz, Florida J. Fireside Lyrics. 1948.
- Schwartz, Shloime. Passages of Refuge. 1942.
- Schwartz, Shloime. Poet in Blue Minor. 1942.
- Schwartz, Shloime. Preface to Maturity. 1944.
- Schwartz, Selwyn S. See Schwartz, Shloime.
- Scott, Winfield Townley. Wind the Clock. 1941.
- * Seymour, George Steele. Cargoes of Ivory. 1938.
- (This is from the Compass Series of Poetry Pamphlets)
- Shelton, Julia Baggette. The Blue Mirror. 1948.
- * Simmons, Laura. The Crannied Wall. 1941.
- Smith, Nanette Carter. Until the Night. 1948.
- * Stone, Donald H. Secrets of Hearts. 1947.
- Stone, Leo. See Deane, Frank.
- Storm, Hans Otto. American Writing. 1940.
- Streater, Elizabeth Greene. Songs from a Summerland. 1938.
- Sullivan, A. M. New Jersey Hills. 1940.
- Sullivan A. M. Ballad of a Man Named Smith. 1940.
- Surdam, Lloyd B. Main Roads and Byways. 1947.
- Sutin, Helen Gorn. More Rhyme Than Reason. 1948.
- Sutton, Kathleen. This is the Season. 1946.
- (This is from the Compass Series of Poetry Pamphlets)
- Swallow, Alan, ed. American Writing 1942. 1942.
- Swallow, Alan, ed. New Signatures. 1947.
- * Swallow, Alan, ed. New Signatures 1: a Selection of College Writing. 1947.
- Swallow, Alan. The Remembered Land. 1946.
- * Swallow, Alan. Three Lyric Poets. 1942.
- * Swallow, Alan. Three Young Poets. 1942.
- Tagtmeyer, Leonard. A Hoosier Mother Goose. 1950.
- Tax, Ervin H. The Wraith of Gawain. 1948.
- Taylor, Charlotte Carr. Bond with Eternity. 1942.
- Taylor, Mary Atwater. Turn of the Year. 1946.
- Todrin, Boris. At the Gates, a Book of Poems. 1944.
- Treece, Henry. Toward a Personal Armageddon. 1941.
- * Trevelayn, G.M. Simple Pleasures. 1949.
- Trombley, Albert Edmund. Acorns and Apples. 1942.
- Trombley, Albert Edmund. Santa Fe, Santa Fe. 1941.
- Turner, Syd. This Side of Granite. 1946.
- * Tyler, Parker. Love Works. 1940.
- This is from the Compass Series of Poetry Pamphlets and sold for .50)
- Tyler, Parker. The Metaphor in the Jungle. 1940.
- Valentine, Louis. Days of Dust. 1946.
- Van Dine, Warren Lovel. Unchanging Gold. 1938. (author's reprint of Ship of Gold)
- Vanderbyll, Henry Rosch. Man's Mysterious Mind and Other Cosmic Poems. 1948.
- Vanderbyll, Henry Rosch. Sleepwalker in the Temple. 1948.
- Ver Duft, Lee. Inner Course in Time, Flesh, & Eidolen. 1948.
- Wagner, Geoffrey. The Singing Blood. 1948.
- Walleck, Bernard. Season Time. 1947.
- Wallis, Eleanore Glenn. Natural World. 1940.
- Wallis, Eleanore Glenn. Tidewater Country. 1944.
- Walsh, Chad. The Factual Dark. 1949.
- Wang, Harold O. This is the Time. 1948.
- * Warfield, Wendy. These are Mine. 1948.
- Wharton, Will. Graphiti from Elsinore. 1949.
- Whitely, Mary. N.S. Sea Born. 1947.
- Wiedemann, Thomas, Sr. The Saga of Alaska. 1946.
- Wikander, Gunnar. At Twenty-four. 1943.
- * Williams, Lewis James. The Nameless. 1942.
- Winston, Daoma. Doubtful Mercy. 1949.
- Wirtschafter, Reitza Dine. Fence of Fire. 1942.
- Wolcott, Katharyn. Wind Across the Threshold. 1948.
- Zachar, Louis A. Behind the Mirror. 1940. (Imprint: Black Faun Press)
- Zepp, Edward G. Thoughts. 1948.
- Zimelman, Nathan. The Children Do Not Grow Old. 1948.
- Zukofsky, Louis. Anew. 1946.
- Zukofsky, Louis. 55 Poems. 1941.
- * Zukofsky, Louis. From Anew. 1942.
Also Published by the Decker Press under the name of Hamlet Press, Avon, Illinois:
- Dale, Josef. Strange Cavern. 1949.
- Edwards, Lawrence. Speedwell Sketches. 1950.
- Huff, William Henry. Sowing and Reaping and Other Poems. 1950.
- * Jurige, Annees Hanna. Al Lehab (The Flames). 1950.
- Molk, Sophia. On The Ways of the Wind. 1949.
- Youngs, Malcolm Clay. Poems. 1949.
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