
Area Studies Research Center and Collections


The Area Studies Research Center and Collections is a centerpiece of the WIU Libraries initiative to promote the internalization and diversity of the university. These collections are envisioned not merely as repositories of materials and information to promote studies and knowledge about the areas, but more importantly, are meant to create intellectual and academic spaces for analysis and discussion about area studies issues and topics. They will invite students, scholars, and the community to participate in the scholarly work atmosphere. The development of the Area Studies Collections part of a proposal to the US Department of Education Title VI Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program, supported by the Office of the Provost and the Office of the President.

Collections Overview

Collection Development History
Librarians at the Leslie F. Malpass Library of Western Illinois University established this collection in 2022 as part of a collection of area study centers including African-American, Africa, and African Diaspora; Middle East; Asia and Europe; Women, Gender, LGBTQ; Anti-Racism, Intolerance, and Holocaust Studies Collection.

Collection Development for Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Understanding that culture and experience are intrinsic to individuals and communities, these collections do not seek to define, limit, exclude, or reduce identity, personhood, or community. This collection does not replace or dictate identity to any person, persons, or group, but rather serves as an attempt, albeit imperfect, to organize information for scholarly work at Western Illinois University. While definitions as applied by some classification systems may be exclusive and marginalizing, the collection seeks to represent and encourage academic study of and research related to the different regions without boundaries. While some collection development behavior prior to the foundation of the collection in 2022 may be considered problematic, continued curated collecting will address any imbalance effectively through clear collection policies that reflect the wholehearted commitment of librarians to the goals of justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

African-American and Africana Area Studies Collection

The African American, African, and African Diaspora Area Studies Collection (AAADASC) is a key part of our academic library's commitment to fostering diverse and inclusive research and also catering to the scholarship of an increasing number of black students (both domestic and international) at WIU. This policy outlines the principles, objectives, and guidelines for the development, management, and maintenance of digital collections within the AAADASC.

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Asian, European and its Diaspora Area Studies Collection

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Hispanic, Latinx, and Caribbean Area Studies Collection

The Hispanic, Latinx, and Caribbean Area Studies Collection [Name of the collection] collects materials to support the academic and research pursuits of scholars. It aims to facilitate the exploration, description, contextualization, connection, revelation, and dissemination of Hispanic, Latinx, and Caribbean experiences in a global context [Purpose]. This collection’s main objective is to enable, encourage, support, and host powerful, intuitive, compelling, and transformative scholarly work across the spectrum of academia, personhood, background, and community.

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Middle East and Diaspora Area Studies Collection

The Middle East Area Studies Collection collects materials to support the academic and research activities of scholars seeking to understand, connect, contextualize, and negotiate the cultural, political, religious, and environmental context of people and nations both within the Middle East and in a larger globalized experience.

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Women, Gender, LGBTQ Studies Collection

The Women, Gender, LGBTQ Studies Collection aims to collect, maintain, and promote scholarly research, materials, and activities at Western Illinois University related to women, gender studies, and individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or other related identities. The Collection also focuses on exploring how identity plays a fundamental role in various aspects of life, including personal, cultural, social, governmental and religious dimensions. While the approach to this collection is based on identity, it does not define identity for individuals nor does it presuppose identity for particular groups. Intersectionality, which recognizes the multifaceted nature of identity, is essential to this collection’s approach rather than a token gesture or even a complication.

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Anti-Racism, Intolerance, Genocide, and Holocaust Studies Collection

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