September 11 Library Resources
Selected Library and Web Resources on the 9/11 Attacks
![New York City at night with two lights shining up where the Trade Center buildings once where](/libraries/news/2000s/2004/light.jpg)
News Articles on the Attacks | Books at the WIU Libraries | World Trade Site Memorial Competition | Miscellaneous Web Sites
News Articles on the Attacks
(from Lexis-Nexis Academic , a database purchased by WIU Libraries. From WIU computers, one can access full-text newspaper articles on Lexis-Nexis Academic from around the world - some going back up to 25 years)
![Photo of plane exploding into the side of one of the Trade Center buildings while the other building is still smoking](/libraries/news/2000s/2004/twr.gif)
Books at the WIU Libraries
![book cover of The 9/11 Commission Report](/libraries/news/2000s/2004/cr.jpg)
- Search the Online Catalog of WIU Library Book Holdings on WestCat
- A Guided Keyword Search/Subject Words search in WestCat of September 11 will lead one to over 160 WIU Library books with those subjects.
- A Guided Keyword/Subject Words search in WestCat of Terrorism Government Policy United States will lead one to over 240 WIU Library books with those subjects.
- A Guided Keyword Search/Subject Words search in WestCat of Terrorism United States Prevention will lead one to over 400 WIU Library books with those subjects.
- A Guided Keyword Search/Subject Words search in WestCat of War on Terrorism will lead one to over 100 WIU Library books with those subjects.
World Trade Site Memorial Competition
![Rendering of what the World Trade Site Memorial might look like when completed](/libraries/news/2000s/2004/rftab.jpg)
- Reflecting Absence (The Winning Entry)
- Garden of Lights
- Lower Waters
- Passages of Light: Memorial Cloud
- Inversion of Light
- Dual Memory
- Votives in Suspension
- Suspending Memory
Miscellaneous Web Sites
- The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9-11 Commission)
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- America Responds (from, The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal)
- Depository Library Web Sites on Terrorism and Homeland Security
- Online Maps of Current Interest (organized by the University of Texas at Austin)
![American flag ribbon with the date 9.11.2001](/libraries/news/2000s/2004/ribbon.gif)
- Chuck Malone
- Government Information Librarian
- Bill Thompson
- Reference Librarian
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