College of Education & Human Services
Lesson 1: Enrollment of ELL Students
Information Regarding the Enrollment of ELL Students
Once again, all children, living in a school district have the right to enroll and receive a free and appropriate public school education. Schools should not ask for social security numbers, “green cards,” or any other documentation regarding legal residency status. It is unlawful for a public school official to require proof of US citizenship for enrollment. Also, many of our ELLs (especially at the secondary level) may fall under the guidelines for homelessness.
For more information:
Scroll down to Students and click on Rights of Immigrant Students – Produced by MALDEF and Published on 10/02/2003 as a courtesy to educators.
Undocumented Youth
Undocumented youth make up 1.8 million or 15 % of all undocumented immigrants residing in the United
States. Many of these undocumented children grow up feeling and believing themselves to be Americans, but their lack of status blocks them from realizing their career goals and fully contributing to this country.
The DREAM Act would enable these youths to gain legal status, continue their educations, and ultimately become citizens and full participants in their new homeland (ICIRR, 2011).
On Monday May 31st the state house voted in favor of passing the Illinois Dream Act (SB 2185), soon to be signed into law. At no tax-payer cost, this bill would create a private scholarship fund for undocumented students, provide trainings for school counselors on opportunities for immigrant youth, all monitored and implemented by a volunteer commission (IYJL, 2011).
Who Qualifies? In order to qualify for the benefits of the IL Dream Act, you must:
Have resided with parents or guardians while attending high school in Illinois;
Have attended a high school in Illinois for at least 3 years from the time of graduation or receiving the equivalent of a high school diploma (such as GED);
Have at least one parent who immigrated to the United States.
For more information regarding undocumented youth, refugee students and their rights please see the following websites:
Immigrant Youth Justice League Ilinois Commission for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
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