Social Media Minor
The School of Communication and Media offers a minor in Social Media that is available to students at the Macomb campus. All of the core communication courses are available online, and other courses needed to complete the minor are regularly available online and/or are occasionally offered in a traditional classroom setting.
The Social Media minor seeks to educate and produce students who will have a solid grounding in the processes, implications and effects of social media on the development of human relationships. The minor will focus on understanding the communication processes behind social network platforms, websites, and other online communication mediums. The coursework will provide students with information on how best to design and present social media messages to achieve personal and/or professional objectives as well as considering how various publics will respond to social media messages. Students who complete the Social Media minor will develop a theoretical knowledge of how social media processes work as well as develop individual skill sets to apply this information in their future careers.
(NOTE: The Minor in Social Media may NOT be completed by a student who is completing the online B.A. in Communication.) Students minoring in Social Media will need to complete a total of 18 semester hours (SH) that include the following:
- COMM 130 – Introduction to Human Communication (3)
- COMM 345 – Social Media (3)
- COMM 445 - Social Media Analytics (3)
- COMM 356 - Persuasion (3)
- COMM 312 - Rhetorical Criticism (3)
- BCJ 340 - Introduction to Public Relations (3)
- BCJ 345 - Public Relations Strategy and Campaigns (3)
- Any 400-level COMM course (3)
For more information about the Social Media minor please contact the Communication Academic Advisor, Jennifer Grimm, at 309/298-1938, or email her at
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