International Trade Data and Information
UN comtrade
The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database allows you to see trade data by commodity between any two countries with data going as far back as 1962.
World Trade Organization
Find news, statistics, trade profiles, speeches, legal texts and much more.
Understanding the WTO: the Uruguay Round (WTO)
Explore the history and documents behind the creation of the World Trade Organization.
Free Trade Agreements
Information and text of free trade agreements the United States has with other countries.
Foreign Trade Statistics (Census Bureau)
This website has trade highlights, statistics, regulations, codes and forms for exporters.
Industry Trade Data and Analysis (ITA)
This website from the Office of Trade and Industry Information, a division of the International Trade Administration, has data on exports to foreign countries from states and metro areas, industry-specific trade data, and statistics on exporters.
TradeStats Express (OTII)
This nifty tool allows you to pick the data you want (import, export or trade balance - state or national) and the item, then it maps the current year data and provides the report for the years selected. Some data coverage starts in 1989.
International Trade and Tariff Data (WTO)
View the WTO's annual statistical publications on trade or tariff data, or use the interactive statistical database.
Concordances for Trade and Tariff Data
Here you can find a list of sites to convert from one classification code to another.
Foreign Trade Codes (Census Bureau)
Here you can find country codes, export codes, district codes and product codes.
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (ITC)
Tariffs on imported goods classified using the international nomenclature structure of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System.
RAMON - Eurostat's Classification Codes
Classifications and nomenclatures used in European statistics.
SICE: Foreign Trade Information System (OAS)
Find information on trade agreements concerning the countries of the Organization of American States.
Development and Globalization: Facts and Figures.
2018 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (USTR)
This annual report provides detailed reports on individual countries regarding U.S. companies' access to their markets. .
U.S. International Trade Statistics (Census Bureau)
Here you can look up U.S. imports or exports to or from other countries either by country or SITC code.
U.S. Trade Agencies
Office of the United States Trade Representative (WTO)
Information on trade agreements and U.S. trade policy by the office that represent the U.S. in international trade disputes and negotiations.
Guides to getting started in importing or exporting products.
U.S. Commercial Service (ITA)
This trade promotion unit of the International Trade Administration helps U.S. companies get started in exporting by providing market research and business counseling.
Import Administration (ITA)
This agency is the watchdog for unfairly traded imports and takes action when it finds trade practices that adversely impact American companies.
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
U.S. companies can utilize OPIC's services to expand into emerging markets world-wide.
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