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A list of useful weather links

This is a list of useful weather links that I think will help you guys find the weather when i'm not available to tell you the weather.

weather links for finding the forecast Where I get my basic forecast data.
Weather Underground. Good local forecasts,along with a good radar app onsite.
Darksky, a rather new weather website
Intellicast Good radar app on the website.
Weather Channel's website
Global Forecast System's Model Output Statistics. This shows what the model thinks the weather will do. It includes the High, Low, cloudcover, and much more.
Model Output statistics for the North American model. Like the link just above, this shows what the model believes the weather will do. Includes the High, Low, cloudcover, and much more.
Links for keeping up to date on severe or winter weather (the above links will work in that instance too)
Storm Prediction Center. They put out the severe weather outlooks, along with weather watches.
Weatherspark. This website has graphs and a radar app that shows how far you are from the storm using a graph
Iowa Environmental Mesonet's Severe weather page. Here you can find current weather watches and warnings, download GIS Shapefiles of storm reports and watches and warnings, look at archives of watches and warnings, and look at statistics for them as well.
Iowa Environmental Mesonet's interactive radar app. This allows you to watch storms in real time, as well as be able to look at past storms using the archive mode under the time tab.