Temperature and dewpoint for Cut Bank, MT Washington, IL tornado outbreak analysis My Weather Photos Useful weather links Current conditions for Macomb and Taylorville, IL

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Updated: Monday December 12th, 2016

Temperature and Dewpoint summary for Cut Bank, MT

My analysis of the Washington IL Tornado Outbreak

My analysis of the November 2013 tornado outbreak (METR422)

Pressure Map for Montana, the lines show equal amounts of pressure. The more tightly packed that the lines are, the more wind that there will be. Weather Overview of Illinois: Shows the conditons at the surfaces for illinois. This shows temperature, dewpoint, wind speed/direction, cloud cover, and current conditions. 500 Millibar wind and pressure for illinois: Shows the wind speeds and pressure in the upper parts of the atmosphere Temperature and dewpoint graph for Cut Bank, MT. The blue line is the temperature in F, while the green line is the dewp point, also in F.
pressure map for montana Illinois' weather 500 mb heights for Illinois Tempanddewpgraph